Apostille Civil Status Records

Apostille Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates in Spain for use in the United States and abroad

Apostille Spanish Birth death marriage certificates

We attest Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates issued in Spain when required for presentation to authorities abroad.

Spanish birth, marriage and death certificates can be authenticated with a Hague Convention Apostille stamp from the Ministry of Justice.

Authorities of countries that have signed the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents Hague Apostille ConventionExternal link (opens in new tab) will recognise Spanish Apostilles directly as confirmation of authenticity. Otherwise, birth, death and marriage certificates must be legalized by the Ministry of Justice and then the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, before final attestation by the destination country's embassy in Madrid.

  • See list of Apostille Convention Countries

We can obtain new official copies of Spanish Birth, death and marriage certificates direct from civil registry offices in each Province, so there is no need to send your paper copy to obtain an Apostille.

We deliver apostilled certificates to clients worldwide by secure courier.

European Union

Submission within the European Union
Spanish certificates of civil status (marriage, death and birth certificates) do not require an Apostille stamp when required for submission in another Member State of the European Union. For further information, see:
Regulation (EU) 2016/1191External link (opens in new tab)

Civil status certificates (multilingual extracts from the civil status registers)
Spanish birth, marriage and death certificates) issued in accordance with the conventions of the International Commission on Civil and Civil Status should not require Apostille Stamps when being submitted to one of the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cape Verde, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey.

How to obtain a certified copy of a Spanish birth, marriage or death certificate

Spanish birth certificates (Certificado de Nacimiento), death certificates (Certificado de Defunción) and marriage certificates (Certificado de Matrimonio) are issued by Civil Registry Offices (Registros Civil) located in Municipalities and Spanish consulates abroad.There are different types of certificate avaialble:

  • Long form certificate (Certificado Literal): This is a literal copy of the birth, death or marriage registration, and includes all data recorded in the register including additional notes (e.g. in the case of a marriage certificate: prenuptial agreement, separation, annulment or divorce, etc.).
  • Extract: This is a short form certificate and will not always be sufficient for submission to foreign authorities, containing a summary of data recorded in the registry
  • International or multilingual: Standard form certificate issued in accordance with the Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records Vienna ConventionExternal link (opens in new tab) in a multilingual format. This certificate may not be valid for submission to non-EU countries, other than countries which are signatories to the Vienna Convention (Turkey, Macedonia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova).
  • Negative Certificate: A negative certificate certifies that there is no record of the birth, death or marriage in the issuing civil registry.
Certified translations of Spanish death, marriage and birth certificates

When presenting Spanish marriage, death and birth certificates in countries which do not have Spanish as an official language, then a certified translation may be required. The certified translation must meet the requirements of the destination country, so that a translation done locally in Spain may require additional certification.

Spain does not issue Apostille Stamps to authenticate translations, although sworn translations required for submission to foreign embassies of non-apostille countries in Spain can be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Alternatively, translations can be done and certified in the recipient country after the original certificate has been apostilled in Spain.

For further information about our Spanish apostille service and about legalizing birth, death and marriage certificates issued in Spain for use in the United States and abroad, use our online quotation form or send us an email us. We will get back to you directly with a quotation and details of how to proceed:

Get a Quotation for your Documents

We price each certification process individually, depending on the type and quantity of documents to be attested, the country of issue, the country of use and intended purpose, urgency, whether certified translations are required as part of the process and courier costs.

To receive a quote, you can upload your documents using our online quotation form or send us your documents by email. After reviewing your documents and requirements, we will get back to you with a quotation:

If you don’t have the documents available, just describe the documents you need to certify, and we will get back to you with an estimation of cost and delivery times.

Using our quotation form, your documents will be uploaded over a secure connection and immediately encrypted on our server. For added protection, you can upload password-protected files (PDFExternal link (opens in new tab), Microsoft Office 365: Save a password protected document to prevent unauthorized people from opening it. Office DocumentsExternal link (opens in new tab), WinRAR Encryption Frequently asked question (FAQ) RAR foldersExternal link (opens in new tab)) and provide us with the passwords separately.

PERSONAL DATA: If your documents contain personal data belonging to people outside your household, please ensure that you are authorised to share this data before uploading your documents. If your documents contain sensitive personal data, such as biometric data, medical data or data on criminal convictions, please ensure that you indicate this when prompted, upon submitting your documents. For further information on our processing of personal data contained in uploaded documents, please see:
Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

For further information on confidentiality in our handling of document content please see:
Confidentiality (Client Content)
