Chinese Dictionaires and Online Translators
Chinese ↔ English
Collins Chinese Dictionary
Official Collins English-Chinese Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Chinese translations of English words and phrases.
- Arabic
- Russian
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- English
- Chinese
IMF Multilingual Terminology Database
www.imf.orgThe IMF TermBase contains over 17,000 entries and acronyms encountered in IMF documents in areas such as money and banking, public finance, balance of payments, and economic growth.
- English
- French
- Chinese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Arabic
United Nations Terminology Database
untermportal.un.orgUNTERM provides terminology and nomenclature in subjects relevant to the work of the United Nations system.
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Norwegian
Sport and Leisure
- English
- Arabic
- Japanese
- Italian
- Korean
- Chinese
- Russian
- Portuguese
Cavers Multi-Lingual Dictionary
www.uisic.uis-speleo.orgUIS on-line multi-lingual dictionary of caving and speleological terms
- Chinese
- English
- Italian
- Japanese
- French
- Swedish
- Russian
- Portuguese
Computing and Communications
- English
- Chinese
- Arabic
- Spanish
- French
- Russian
ITU Terms and Definitions
www.itu.intIntegrated Database ITU Terms and Definitions is an online database providing access to all the abbreviations and acronyms, terms and definitions contained in the ITU Publications
Chinese Language News
China y América Latina, hacia un futuro con mayores oportunidadesChina y América Latina han fortalecido el aprendizaje mutuo y la cooperación en los campos de la economía, la salud y la cultura.
What Are the Top Languages Used In the US
www.kake.comA recent survey from the U.S. Census Bureau found that over 350 different languages are spoken throughout homes across the United States.
Día Internacional de la Traducción: Cuál es el idioma que más se habla en el mundo - Diario 26
www.diario26.comCon el objetivo de crear un mundo cada vez más incluyente y con menos brechas entre los diferentes idiomas, la Federación Internacional de la Traducción (FIT) propuso esta efeméride que se celebra desde 2017.
What is a linguistic monopoly
www.researchinformation.infoResearch institutions and funders need to be more aware of the phenomenon,
Chinese language craze in Ghana continues amid pandemic
africa.cgtn.comDespite multiple challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghanaians craze for the Chinese language continues,
Ask the expert: Linguistic racism
msutoday.msu.eduLinguistic racism occurs when acts of racism are perpetuated against individuals on the basis of their language use. Victims of such racism are generally speakers of languages like Spanish or Arabic, or varieties of a language, like African American Vernacular English.
India swims against English tide - Telegraph India
www.telegraphindia.comMother tongue-based education that India wants to introduce in BTech courses at IITs is gradually being replaced by the English medium in countries such as Germany, China and Japan that had been pioneers in education in local languages.
How popular is China in Africa New survey sheds light on what ordinary people think
theconversation.comTwenty years after the first China-Africa forum, the perceptions of ordinary African citizens still need to be better considered in government-to-government interactions.
China Is Rapidly Expanding Its Oil Resources In Africa OilPricecom
oilprice.comAs Chinas demand for energy continues to grow, Beijing is doubling down on oil and gas resources in Africa to build on its foreign infrastructure and influence
The Panorama is Shifting for Chinese language Fintech
fintechzoom.comThe Panorama is Shifting for Chinese language Fintech
Multilingual Journalism Could Make a Comeback Here Are Some Tools That Might Help - Global Investigative Journalism Network
gijn.orgNew tools and industry trends are making it easier for media organizations to publish translations and localized adaptations of their work.
In Macau, the old colonial tongue is back in vogue
www.economist.comChina’s global trade is fuelling interest in the study of Portuguese
Translation main way to narrow gap between Arabic and Chinese cultures
www.xinhuanet.comTranslation of Chinese literature in particular could be a big push for better ... mutual understanding between the Arab and the Chinese people