International Background Checks

A specialist service to verify the credentials of individuals and companies internationally

Isarey offers businesses and employers affordable and efficient solutions for carrying out local background checks on individuals and companies in over 100 countries, providing confidence and security when recruiting candidates with an international background or when entering into commercial relationships with foreign companies.

Please contact us for further information or for a quotation, whether for a one-off project or for ongoing work

International Background Checks

International Vetting Services

Our international background checking service is designed to support employment and pre-employment vetting processes where candidates have an international background, providing diligent verification of candidate profiles and histories.

Police and Criminal Record Checks

Vetting potential or existing employees for criminal convictions that may have been incurred abroad can be a complex process due to the different procedures and record-keeping systems applicable in each country and due to local bureaucratic and legal restrictions. Nevertheless, as the workforce becomes more international and globally mobile, carrying out diligent checks increasingly entails checking for criminal history abroad, in cases where candidates have previously lived in other countries.

Criminal records must be obtained country by country, so that for each candidate it is necessary to make a list of relevant countries for which criminal records should be obtained, although for many countries it is only possible to obtain criminal records for persons who have been officially resident (and in some cases only for citizens).

In some jurisdictions, we can obtain candidate criminal records directly from police and justice authorities, in some countries we require prior authorisation or power of attorney from the candidate, in others criminal record certificates are only issued to the subject and cannot be obtained by other parties. Increasingly, applications can be made online, so at a minimum cost, or even by email, while other countries require applications by post or allow applications to made in-person at an embassy or consulate. For a few countries, applications must be made locally.

Isarey works through specialist local agents and law firms to obtain local criminal record certificates from police or justice authorities in each country. Where countries do not permit agents to obtain criminal records directly, we will assist in arranging the correct permissions from the candidate, including valid power of attorney where applicable, so that we can apply for records on their behalf. For countries where candidates must apply for criminal records personally, we will assist the candidate with the administrative process of applying and then verify the authenticity of the certificate obtained with local authorities.

Working in compliance with applicable local and international laws on personal data protection, Isarey can assist in obtaining and verifying criminal records as part of an employment vetting procedure or for other purposes. While the time taken and the cost varies according to the country and situation, Isarey will always work to obtain records and verify using the most efficient method available, using local resource and avoiding unnecessary expense and delay.

Confirmation of Academic Qualifications

Confirming the authenticity of international academic and professional qualifications has become increasingly relevant given a global increase in qualification fraud and given the implications for employers when fraud is not detected in a timely manner. Qualification fraud involves forged academic and professional qualifications, fake degree certificates and certificates from bogus and unaccredited institutions. When recruiting candidates with qualifications obtained abroad, employers will naturally be concerned that a candidate’s qualifications are genuine and have been issued by reputable institutions.

Isarey can verify the authenticity of academic qualifications and titles from over 100 countries by verifying diplomas and certificates with local education authorities, checking national records and confirming qualifications directly with universities and colleges – to check that both the award of the qualification is genuine and that the institution itself is accredited and of good repute. Working with local specialists to carry out in-country checks, our service is designed to be both thorough and affordable.

International Credit and Financial Checks

International credit and financial history checks can uncover relevant adverse financial history, such as loan defaults, bankruptcy, court judgements and tax debt. While not all countries are covered by the personal credit scoring systems used in the United States or United Kingdom, Isarey can assist by carrying out credit checks locally in countries where candidates may have financial history, cross-checking credit blacklists and other registers to ensure that no local adverse history exists.

Verification of Employment History

Isarey can seek verification of a candidate’s international employment history. We will contact past employers locally to verify information given on CVs: dates of employment, position held and reason for leaving, checking that employers are genuine and that all employment history is valid.

Social Media and Internet Searches

Isarey can assist in undertaking targetted social media and Internet searches, focusing on the country where a candidate has lived previously, including foreign language media, to uncover any potentially adverse information or discrepancies in a candidate’s profile.

Employment Reference Checks

Obtaining and confirming professional references from employment abroad can be both time-consuming and prone to unreliable results, especially when there are language issues. Working through specialists in over 100 countries, Isarey offers local verification of references from past employers, confirming the information given on CVs and ensuring that references are authentic and reputable.

Isarey offers flexible and tailored solutions according to each situation and the client’s requirements, from basic and routine checks on multiple candidates, to in-depth checks on recruitment to critical positions. As a result of our checks, we will provide a full report, setting out the results of all findings, and highlighting any areas of concern or details which may require further investigation.

International Background Checks

Overseas Company Checks

International service to check the legitimacy and good reputation of companies based abroad.

When entering into a business relationship with a company based abroad, safeguarding against reputational and financial risk can be more complex. Is the company genuine? Are its officers, directors and owners of good standing? Does it have a good reputation in its local market?

Isarey can assist in carrying out basic or, as required, more comprehensive checks to verify the authenticity and good standing of companies based abroad. We work with specialist providers and law firms in over 100 countries to carry out in-country checks that are both affordable and effective, in line with the level of risk associated with the relationship and the international jurisdiction in question.

  • Incorporation data: that a company is genuine and legitimate, properly registered as active and in good standing, that all identification data provided by the company is correct.
  • Key personnel: checking the identity and reputation of directors, significant shareholders, key managers and other persons with significant control and influence over the company.
  • Financial and Tax Status: that there is no adverse local information about a company in terms of compliance with legal reporting obligations, tax and social security debt, court judgements.
  • Media and Internet Reputation Search: A search of social and other media in the company’s home market to uncover adverse reputation information, including local media reports, customer review sites and employee forums.
  • Business References: Local verification of references provided by the company (e.g. past clients or suppliers)
  • Verification of credentials: Local verification of any credentials claimed by the company, such as regulatory or quality accreditation, licences, authorisations and certifications, membership of professional bodies, etc.
  • Verification of supporting documents: Local verification to check the authenticity of documents provided by the company, including bank letters, certificates of good standing, certificates of compliance with tax obligations.

While the opportunities for doing business globally are unprecedented, these opportunities also expose companies to reputation and business risks that can be difficult to assess. At Isarey, we work to provide even the smallest companies with affordable but diligent means of mitigation, with flexible solutions tailored to each situation.

Get a Quotation for your Documents

Our international background checking services are priced on a case-by-case basis according to the circumstances of each situation and depending on the level, urgency and thoroughness of checks required, as well as the countries involved. We offer the service to clients on a one-off basis (for example to check a single candidate or company) or an ongoing basis.

To receive a quote, you can upload your documents using our online quotation form or send us your documents by email. After reviewing your documents and requirements, we will get back to you with a quotation:

If you don’t have the documents available, just describe the documents you need to certify, and we will get back to you with an estimation of cost and delivery times.

Using our quotation form, your documents will be uploaded over a secure connection and immediately encrypted on our server. For added protection, you can upload password-protected files (PDFExternal link (opens in new tab), Microsoft Office 365: Save a password protected document to prevent unauthorized people from opening it. Office DocumentsExternal link (opens in new tab), WinRAR Encryption Frequently asked question (FAQ) RAR foldersExternal link (opens in new tab)) and provide us with the passwords separately.

PERSONAL DATA: If your documents contain personal data belonging to people outside your household, please ensure that you are authorised to share this data before uploading your documents. If your documents contain sensitive personal data, such as biometric data, medical data or data on criminal convictions, please ensure that you indicate this when prompted, upon submitting your documents. For further information on our processing of personal data contained in uploaded documents, please see:
Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

For further information on confidentiality in our handling of document content please see:
Confidentiality (Client Content)
